304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Instead, I encourage you to take a few moments, sign up, pick a time that works for you, and actually attend the session. I’ll teach you how to shift your thinking. So you can get out of the really shitty cycle of starting and stopping and starting again, and it’s okay if you’re thinking that you don’t actually want to stop drinking. I promise you, if you attend this class, you will change the way you’re approaching this process. Go to, and I can’t wait to see you there. No, but it’s just, you know, a be super, super proud of yourself, that you’re even doing this, like so many women struggle with this.
Literally, for me the opportunity to even have a life you know, I didn’t have much. Have I was in existence, of course. But there was the joy was gone a long time ago, the joy was probably gone from the time where I said, before things got too heavy where I said, Well, I’m just going to quit. And I realized that I couldn’t hit that I couldn’t quit. And I think the joy was gone, because then I was, it was, you know, trying to get back to what the feeling I once had, you know, that I want once I did kind of maybe enjoy things, and I couldn’t find it again.
Learn how to see failure as a part of the process of changing your relationship with drinking and stop seeing it as a bad thing. The questions you ask yourself matter, and they have the power to help you change your drinking habit or perpetuate it. Being offered a free drink can feel exciting or even annoying. How you respond to it says a lot about your habit. There are different phases in this process that will lead you to changing your relationship with alcohol.
What you’ll learn in this episode will help you thrive in these moments. Contrary to what you might believe, alcohol and food are not your friends. Learn why it is important to recognize this in this episode. Learn how you can celebrate, find pleasure, and cultivate joy without a drink, and how to teach your brain to seek other types of pleasure.
As you can see, when we take away alcohol quite a few things change – and it is likely that you’ll experience a period of adjustment as you get used to your ‘new normal’. Everyone experiences this differently and it’s great to take some time to reflect on things at the end of each week and take note of the changes – both positive and negative – that you’ve noticed. It’s not all sunshine and roses when we stop drinking – we can also expect moments where we are triggered to drink and have strong cravings. These are usually going to pop up at times where we used to have a drink – after work, when out with friends, driving past the bottle shop.
Well, I mean, how to take a break from drinking people can check out on Instagram, or they can listen to the podcasts that they want to hear some stories from kind of start to where people are at now. And you don’t realize how much your life can transform and change when you stop doing the exact same thing every single day? Well, so what motivated you in the beginning to get sober? A year later, two years later, three years later? That’s what I had this idea of sharing other people’s stories, I said, Well, what if we share other people’s stories and give them a place, too? Otherwise, they might not be able to really get the shared and feel like people hear it and appreciate it.
So then I was gonna have to open another bottle of wine and I’d be like, now you’re making it look weird. And I mean, that’s a huge sign if you are really aware and care about how much you’re going to be able to drink. Like you don’t even realize how much better you’re gonna feel when you don’t have to do that anymore. The “sober curious” or “sober sometimes” movement started as a challenge for those who felt they’d partied a little too hard over New Year’s weekend. First there was “Dry January,” when people could alcoholism treatment brag on social media about how they were taking a break from booze. Now there’s “Dry July” and even “Sober September.” And the movement has spread across the U.S., with people challenging each other to see what life is like without alcohol and share in that experience.
Full of recipes, infusions, syrups, and more, this guide brings nuances to alcohol-free beverages. In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, vanilla extract, and 1⁄4 cup water and warm over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat and let cool to room temperature.
You don’t need to work your life around group meetings or classes at a specific day or time. This course is not a 30 day challenge, or a one day at a time approach. Instead, it’s a step-by-step formula for changing your relationship with alcohol.